Friday 3 December 2010

Writing Editorial

I'm going to begin writing the Editorial soon, due to the magazine being directed at teenagers I want the Editorial to be informal, not too informal so that I use text chat, such as 'How r u m8' but I write so that it seems like I am speaking to the readers personally, I am having a conversation with them.

I am not sure if I need to be a heading before the Editorial, stating it is an Editorial or just put, 'Letter from Editor' or something. Below are examples of Editorial which I found online, I am using them as inspiration and also templates. They will allow me to be more confident when writing, I will have a sort of guideline which will help me.

With both of these Editor letters, they don't use so much informal words but more of how they right, very down to earth, conversational. An Editor's letter can feature anything the editor wishes it to contain, it allows me much more freedomt than I thought I was going to get. My editoral is going to be short and snappy, straight to the point. As it is the first issue I will need to obviously welcome the readers, thank them for buying the magazine and hope they enjoy the future issues as well as the first.

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