Thursday 2 December 2010

Front Cover: Strapline - VOTE!!!

Studying a few magazine covers (not all teenage magazines) I saw that the straplines didn’t have to be like the Glamour magazine “Britain’s No1 Women’s Magazine”, it could be a feature in that issue, such as ‘Win a $10,000…’, it could be a competition or the theme of the issue such as, ‘The Hair Issue’. This allowed me to go further than I once was with the strapline. Below are the only two I could come up with, inspired by the magazines (see below).

I need you to vote in the side bar for which one I should use, I am not sure.

  1. First Issue: Giving Something Back to Teenagers
  2. Win Big!! Canon PowerShot A480 10MP Camera

Inspired by...



1 comment:

  1. It might be good to use both, although I like the one about teenagers for the strapline. Maybe the competition can feature elsewhere?
