Friday 3 December 2010

Front Cover: Improved But Not Yet Complete

With the front cover I had a lot of improvements to do before I could post another draft. The improvements I made were:-
  • I added the price label at the top, overlapping the Masthead and Strapline.
  • I added in a barcode to make it seem more realistic.
  • The coverlines were moved down to the bottom where I bunched them up into a little group and also made them small (changing the font colour to just white, may be changed later on depending on the colour of the Masthead).
  • I put in where the Strapline would be, still to be decided.
Developments to make:-
  • I have yet to add the true Masthead, with the font which won the vote and also the strapline, I also need to come up with a colour scheme for the fonts.
Not much else to do for developments after this, my front cover isn’t far from being done.

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