Sunday 5 December 2010

Front Cover: Draft 2

This is the second draft of the front cover, the developments which I did were:-
  • Added in the Strapline,"First Issue: Giving Something Back to Teenager".
  •  Removed the Price Label and decided to simply put the price under the issue number, I didn't want to put it overlapping the Masthead and Strapline in the end, too distracting.
  • The font colour for both Masthead and Coverlines were darkened, I may need to improve the Masthead so more before the Front Cover is finished (See in Draft 3, coming soon). 
  • I made the web info and issue number and date smaller so they weren't so much over the image
I know that I still have improvements to do so that the front cover is finally finished.

Comment below and tell me what you think

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