Wednesday 1 December 2010

Important little details for Front Cover

What I need to include on the Front Cover, important little details which can make it a little bit better.
  • The price (audience needs to know how much they are paying for the magazine, I want the price to be very noticeable so it needs to be bigger than normal size, taking inspiration from Glamour magazine where they stick the prince at the top over the Masthead)
  • The Coverlines at the moment are a little distracting from the front cover photo, so I have decided to move them down and maybe group them together at the bottom of the page (Taking inspiration from Media Magazine).
  • Do I need a banner? (I’m not sure what the banner would be, it would need to be big and eye catching, and the colour scheme would need to be similar to the rest of the front cover).
  • Strapline, do I need one? (At this moment this is the first magazine so I can’t have anything like Glamour has, “Britain’s No1 Women’s Magazine’. Maybe I could try out a few and have a poll on it)
  • The website and issue number and date needs to be displayed somewhere on the front cover (I’m thinking underneath the Masthead, very noticeable here and easy to find as most details like this are found under the masthead) 


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