Wednesday 8 December 2010

Finished Front Cover and Contents Page

After nearly 4 weeks of work I have finally finished the Front Cover and the Contents page, very happy they are done. Below are the finished piece, I will put what I changed since the last drafts of the two pieces, I hope you like them, please do comment as I need as much audience feedback as I can get, thanks.

Front Cover

  • Added in a Strapline at the bottom, decided to use both of the two Straplines I had a poll on.
  • Addd and removed some of the Coverlines, chnaged the order around so they would go slopping down, also spaced some of them apart so that they weren't so crushed together.
  • Moved the Bar Code and made it smaller, my teacher said it didn't need to be so big and Bar Codes can be very ugly and distracting so the smaller the better.
  • Changed the colour of the Strapline background from grey to a dark intense red, wanted to have some colour that would catch the audience's attention.
  • Changed the font colour of the Strapline, from black to white with a thin black outline.
  • Lightened the photo up so it stood out more.
Contents Page

  • Changed the colour of the Content's title from black to the same colour as the Masthead ont he cover, a mixture of red tones.
  • Moved sections of the Contents page around such as the middle column and the editor's letter.
Please do Comment, thanks

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