Friday 3 December 2010

Contents Page: Almost Complete

With the contents page I had a lot of developing and changes to make before it was done, and there are still some corrections and develops to do. What I changed:-
  • Deleted the McDonalds photo; it was too blurry and didn’t really need it.
  • Changed the font from Comic Sans MS to Times New Roman, allowed me more space for Editorial.
  • Made the images smaller, I found them to be too big, took up too much room.
  • Added the new contents title with the new font in, looks really good.
  • Arranged everything more neatly, just wanted it to be all in line the best I could, more professional looking.
  • Added Editorial box which I will do soon.
The developments which I have yet to make:-
  • Do the Editorial (Important)
  • Make sure nothing is blurry and all sharp and clear for the audience to see.
Not many developments but I know that when I am finishing off the contents page, problems will occur.

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