Thursday 9 December 2010


For a student magazine there are key aspects which are important to include, with the front cover the main key ingredient is a photo or photos, the photo is going to be the first thing the audience look at, it sets the whole magazine. If the photo on the front doesn’t seem fun or gripping to the audience then they won’t even bother looking at the rest of the magazine. In my magazine I included a large photo of two teenage girls, smiling and giggling, having fun which when the audience picks the magazine up they will see that it is a teenage magazine but also be hooked because the girls are smiling. One of the girls is also looking at the camera, she is smiling so it is very warm and welcoming to the audience, they will feel like they know this girl, she is friendly and they will want to look at the rest of the magazine.  With the audience feedback I have received, some said this image looked fun and lively; it went with the targeted audience.

Also on the front cover is the Masthead (name or title), the masthead is just as important as the photo, the magazine has to have a name which fits the audience, so in this case it has to relate to teenagers, with my Masthead I used the word ‘Teenage’ but split it so it spelled, ‘Teen-age’ as in the Teen Age, the young generation matters, this is their time and so on. The Masthead has to be short and snappy, but again this depends on the audience. Another aspect of the front cover is the coverlines, they lure the audience to read more, it also gives the audience a chance to scan the featured articles and see what they like, with my magazine I included a range of coverlines, however one thing which I didn’t include with the coverlines was the page numbers, I have seen this being done on a few magazines but the contents page does feature the page numbers so I saw no point in having them on the cover. 

The Strapline/s is something which you may or may not include on the cover, they are not a major necessity but they can be used to show what issue it is or if there is a competition inside the magazine. For my magazine, I featured two Straplines, one at the top and one at the bottom, the top shows the issue (First issue: Giving something back to the teenagers) and the bottom featured a competition (Win Canon 10MP Camera). Looking at my front cover I didn’t put in a banner, I felt there was no need for one and also no room, sometimes when magazines include a large banner there is hardly any room for the coverlines, they have to be pushed up and so they cover most of the photo. 

Colour is important on the front cover, especially with a teenage/student magazine, bright, bold and intense colours catch the audience’s eye more than dull, dark colours. On my front cover the photo contained a few colours but I added in my own bold colour which I featured on the coverlines and the Strapline backgrounds which was a deep dark red. This just added some flare to the design, it made it less boring, more able to stand out, and the intensity of the colour caught my eye. With the coverlines it was mainly about what colour would stand out more against the photo, the first colour I could think of was a red but this turned out to be too bright, the photo was bright and so they conflicted. I decided to boost the contrast up and also darken the colour of the coverlines; this made them stand out more.

With my contents page I wanted it not to be as busy as the Front Cover, the background was plain white so the main focus was on the pictures and the articles listed. With most contents pages such as the Media magazine they list their articles with pictures, no funny designs just very simple which was what I wanted, I wanted my contents page to be very simple and direct to the audience, they could easily find which article and page number they wanted. Photos are also again important in the contents page, they don’t have to be included but I see them as a help to the page, it splits the page up so it all isn’t just lines of writing, it also gives some colour to the page (reason for why I never put a coloured background in, would be too much and too distracting). Small headings for each article is important, bolding the writing too can make it easier to see, with the contents page I was going for a simple design, the font was simple (apart from title of page), I didn’t want to confuse the audience, I just wanted them to scan through the page, find the article they wanted and flick to it. For the title of the page, most magazine which I have seen do feature a ‘pretty’ font and design for the title of the contents page, nothing too over the top so it distracts the audience from the main focus (articles and pictures) but just enough to make the page seem more interesting and appealing to the audience. 

At the start of the student magazine project my targeted audience was both gender, I wanted to include articles which appealed to both males and females. However, as the progression of the magazine went on, I discovered that I was concentrating more on the female side of the magazine. One big thing which screamed female audience was the front cover, the photo was of two female teenagers and not many male teenagers would pick up a magazine which featured a teenage girl on the front cover. Male teenagers would usually go for magazines which featured cars, music, film and games, things which appealed to them in particular. On the other hand, I didn’t want to get rid of all the articles which went more for males just because I felt that the magazine could still pass for females, some females do like sports, games and such. The general targeted age of the audience would be around ages 13 to 18 years old, this is a large age gap but I have tried to feature articles which appeal to all ages in the age gap.

With my magazine the targeted social group was teenagers and so I had to make the magazine represent and appeal to them, it had to be cheap but packed with tons of interesting and entertaining features. The cost of the magazine which after having feedback from my Audience Questionnaire I decided to have the magazine priced at £1 which I saw as fair but also cheap for those teenagers who hated to spend £3 on a magazine. In my magazine I represented the students by having two teenage girls smiling on the front, automatically the audience would be able to tell that this was a teenage student magazine by the front cover. Also, the Masthead, it stated ‘Teen-Age’ which obviously showed that this was a teenage magazine, I wanted a name which would relate to them, show them that this was a magazine for them. For the contents and the coverlines of the magazine, I featured articles which teenagers/students would find appealing and useful, such as updates on Ludlow College (any information on events or meetings, activities, etc) or for a more fun side to the magazine, game, film, product reviews, quizzes for the females and sports updates for the males. 

With the photo I used I wanted to represent the young generation (teenagers) , in the photo the girls are smiling, they are their youth and they can socialize, have fun, etc. It is always best to have a smiling teenager or even just a smiling person on the cover can give the magazine a welcoming and fun feeling, it invites the audience in. With the language I used in the magazine, I wasn’t going for the text language that some teenagers use (I am not very familiar with the text chat), so instead I decided to use a more mature language which all teenagers could read, no complicated words, simple to read for all teenagers. With the ratio of text and picture in the magazine, I didn’t want too much text to be presented in big chunks, this would look dull and possibly confusing for the audience, so especially in the contents page I had 7 pictures which divided up the text to make it look less and more simple to read. With the front cover the ratio of pictures to text was more for the text but the photo which I used was large and so it sort of balanced the text out just enough, the text didn’t overpower the front cover and make it look crammed.

My magazine isn’t like other teenage magazines, for one it does feature females on the front but the contents is directed at both genders, unlike some magazines such as ‘Teen’ and ‘Seventeen’ which are directed mostly at females (they contains make up tips, relationship advice, etc). I haven’t yet come across an institution which has a gap which my magazine could fill but with my magazine it isn’t like most teenage magazines. Like I said, it has a mixture of different features which appeal to both male and females, it is directed at students, it doesn’t go into much detail on universities and such but it could if there was a next issue, in this issue it states updates on the college and the holiday coming up. With my magazine, it offers something new for teenagers to read, something which they can pick up and be entertained with, but also gain some news. Not many newspapers appeal to me and probably not many teenagers because of the very mature language (the language I use is mature but not over complicated) and boring political issues which can bore and confuse teenagers. With this magazine is allows teenagers to have something for themselves, just for them which they can talk to their friends about and go on the website to talk to others in the forum. At the college there is already a student magazine called the Student ID, but I believe my magazine is better than this, with the past issues of the Student Ids they aren’t very colourful or eye catching on the front cover, they do contain some images which may attract some attention but I really think the best way to catch the audience’s attention is to feature a large image which appeals to them (two teenage girls smiling, one looking at camera). The contents of the Student ID is similar to the contents of my magazine but I offer more for both genders, in the Student ID it features more for males such as with games and film reviews, with my magazine I feature quizzes for females, product (make up and perfume) reviews and so on. 

When making the magazine I needed to make sure that the magazine would appeal to the audience, that they would want to buy the magazine. Most people buy a magazine, book, film, etc by the front cover, so the front cover has to attract them, they usually buy the magazine on a spur of the moment and so they usually go more for looks than contents. With the font cover the photo was the main focus, I had the girls smiling to make it seem fun and youthful but also one of the girls looking at the camera, connecting with the audience, almost speaking to them in way, very welcoming. Most teenage girls buy magazines which feature a female on the front cover, it appeals more to them because they are female and so they relate more. Also a female on the front cover usually means that some or most of the contents in the magazine relates to females as well.

I had previous experience with most of the technology which I used whilst making my magazine. The first piece of technology was a digital camera, which I had used in other lessons so I knew how to use them, I didn’t need any help in taking the photos (most of them were of objects so it was pretty easy to take them). Editing the photos wasn’t hard at all, I used programs such as Coral Paint Shop Pro X which I had much experience with. I found using Coral Paint Shop Pro X to be easier than using GIMP, which I hadn’t had any experience working with before and so the process of editing my photos was slow when using this. The main program which I used was Publisher, here I created the layouts of my contents page, my front cover, where I worked most of the process of the magazine out, it helped me out a lot and with past experience with this program it was easy to complete the project. Other programs which I used were, Paint which I used to transfer my finished layout designs from Publish onto paint so I could crop them and then transfer these onto my blog. Using online programs too helped greatly with the progress of my magazine, the program I used was Photobucket, here I was able to upload any images I needed to transfer onto my blog, first if I couldn’t use Coral Paint Shop Pro X (if I could use it I would use this instead) I would edit the photos using Photobucket which features many fantastic tools which helped me greatly. 

With this project it has taught me just how difficult a magazine is to put together but this was just the front cover and the contents page, normal magazine companies would have to do the whole contents of the magazines, plus include advertisements and such. However, it has given my knowledge of what to do next in the Music magazine project, I will be able to create the contents and front cover much quicker, due to the knowledge I have taken in from this project. The most difficult part of this project was the front cover, it is the first thing the audience will see, it has to be burst from the page, appeal to them and attract them.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Finished Front Cover and Contents Page

After nearly 4 weeks of work I have finally finished the Front Cover and the Contents page, very happy they are done. Below are the finished piece, I will put what I changed since the last drafts of the two pieces, I hope you like them, please do comment as I need as much audience feedback as I can get, thanks.

Front Cover

  • Added in a Strapline at the bottom, decided to use both of the two Straplines I had a poll on.
  • Addd and removed some of the Coverlines, chnaged the order around so they would go slopping down, also spaced some of them apart so that they weren't so crushed together.
  • Moved the Bar Code and made it smaller, my teacher said it didn't need to be so big and Bar Codes can be very ugly and distracting so the smaller the better.
  • Changed the colour of the Strapline background from grey to a dark intense red, wanted to have some colour that would catch the audience's attention.
  • Changed the font colour of the Strapline, from black to white with a thin black outline.
  • Lightened the photo up so it stood out more.
Contents Page

  • Changed the colour of the Content's title from black to the same colour as the Masthead ont he cover, a mixture of red tones.
  • Moved sections of the Contents page around such as the middle column and the editor's letter.
Please do Comment, thanks

Monday 6 December 2010

What I have left to do...

Week 4 and I have only a small amount to still do on my Front cover and Contents page, little details which will make them seem more realistic.
  • Do corrections for Front Cover
  • Make sure Spelling is checked on both Front Cover and Contents Page
  • Go over last drafts for both Front Cover and Contents Page (Try and find faults and fix them)
  • Do Evaluation and Audience Feedback before end of week
Not a lot to do but I should be able to complete the first 3 bullet points before Wednesday so I have the rest of the week to do the last point.

Front Cover - Draft 2 (Corrections)

When looking at Draft 2 of the front cover I knew I had improvements to make, the corrections which I need to still do can be seen below. I do have a time limit with the front cover and contents page, they need to be finished by Wednesday so I can do my evaluation and audience feedback which can be completeled by Friday. I am starting to feel the 'pinch' now with the time issue, I wanted the cover and contents page to be perfect but I can see now that I am going to have to get them done quickly or else I will run out of time.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Front Cover: Draft 2

This is the second draft of the front cover, the developments which I did were:-
  • Added in the Strapline,"First Issue: Giving Something Back to Teenager".
  •  Removed the Price Label and decided to simply put the price under the issue number, I didn't want to put it overlapping the Masthead and Strapline in the end, too distracting.
  • The font colour for both Masthead and Coverlines were darkened, I may need to improve the Masthead so more before the Front Cover is finished (See in Draft 3, coming soon). 
  • I made the web info and issue number and date smaller so they weren't so much over the image
I know that I still have improvements to do so that the front cover is finally finished.

Comment below and tell me what you think

WINNER: Strapline

The strapline which won the votes by one vote was, "First Issue: Giving Something Back to Teenager". This will be presented at the top of the front cover :D 

"First Issue: Giving Something Back to Teenager"

Friday 3 December 2010

Front Cover: Corrections

After looking at the first draft of the front cover, I need to make some corrections to it. See below to see what I need to change.

Editorial Update

I need to have a picture of myself on the Editorial, most Editorials do have a photo of the editor, but it is not needed. I don't see the problem with having a photo, I will take one over the weekend and add it.

Corrections which need to be done:
  • When I looked closer I saw that some of the words were overlappign the previous line of words just a little, I need to find a way to correct this, it won't take me long but it needs to be done to make the Editorial look neater.

Contents Page Edited

I wanted more of the editoral on the last column so I moved some things around and this is what I ended up with, nothing has been removed, just moved around a little.

Contents Page Update (Editorial Added)

So I shorted the Editoral a little and added to the Contents page, very happy with it, what do you think, comment below.

Editorial Draft (Maybe too Long)

Below is the Editorial I have done so far, comment and tell me what you think, I think it may be too long, what should I take out, thanks.

When most people pick up a DVD, Book or a Magazine the first thing they see is the front cover, and apparently by looking at the cover they can tell what is inside the magazine. But what you must always remember readers, is that you should never judge a book, or even a magazine by its cover. Yes, the cover is beautiful and well presented but what really matters it what is inside of the magazine that counts, the contents, waiting for you to read each and every word.

With a new magazine, comes new readers and when we make a new issue we think of you, what you want, what you wish to read about and be entertained with. The first issue of ‘Teen-Age’ contains a range of different fun and entertaining contents which is for all teenagers. Our main audience are teenage students, we want to help you with any problems you may have, information you are looking for or to just make you laugh.

With the first issue we cater for females and males, featuring game reviews and product reviews, quizzes and film reviews. If you wish for us to include something you wish to read or a story you have for us then please visit our website (located on the top left hand corner of front cover).

Well, I don’t want to drabble on and keep you from the magazine, thank you and welcome to Teen-Age.

Warm Regards


Vicky Carpenter

Writing Editorial

I'm going to begin writing the Editorial soon, due to the magazine being directed at teenagers I want the Editorial to be informal, not too informal so that I use text chat, such as 'How r u m8' but I write so that it seems like I am speaking to the readers personally, I am having a conversation with them.

I am not sure if I need to be a heading before the Editorial, stating it is an Editorial or just put, 'Letter from Editor' or something. Below are examples of Editorial which I found online, I am using them as inspiration and also templates. They will allow me to be more confident when writing, I will have a sort of guideline which will help me.

With both of these Editor letters, they don't use so much informal words but more of how they right, very down to earth, conversational. An Editor's letter can feature anything the editor wishes it to contain, it allows me much more freedomt than I thought I was going to get. My editoral is going to be short and snappy, straight to the point. As it is the first issue I will need to obviously welcome the readers, thank them for buying the magazine and hope they enjoy the future issues as well as the first.

WINNER: Contents Page Title Font

The winning font was number 4, I have already posted a draft of the contents page featuring the new font but I thought I would post a post with the winning font just encase.

Front Cover - First Draft

This is the kind of the first draft of the front cover, all posts featuring the front cover have simply been plans and such for it. This is what the Front cover will look like, but I need to fix a few more things, have a few people comment on it and tell me what they think, so please comment I need feedback, thanks

What do you think?
Comment Please :D

I may change the colour of the font for the Masthead, not sure yet, maybe to a dark red or something, it needs to be dark so it contrasts with the price label :D

EDIT: I need to make sure when I do the next draft, the layout of the Strapline is not on the image, this means we see more of the image, also if the Strapline is on the image, then the image doesn't fit a page properly.

Front Cover: Improved But Not Yet Complete

With the front cover I had a lot of improvements to do before I could post another draft. The improvements I made were:-
  • I added the price label at the top, overlapping the Masthead and Strapline.
  • I added in a barcode to make it seem more realistic.
  • The coverlines were moved down to the bottom where I bunched them up into a little group and also made them small (changing the font colour to just white, may be changed later on depending on the colour of the Masthead).
  • I put in where the Strapline would be, still to be decided.
Developments to make:-
  • I have yet to add the true Masthead, with the font which won the vote and also the strapline, I also need to come up with a colour scheme for the fonts.
Not much else to do for developments after this, my front cover isn’t far from being done.

Contents Page: Almost Complete

With the contents page I had a lot of developing and changes to make before it was done, and there are still some corrections and develops to do. What I changed:-
  • Deleted the McDonalds photo; it was too blurry and didn’t really need it.
  • Changed the font from Comic Sans MS to Times New Roman, allowed me more space for Editorial.
  • Made the images smaller, I found them to be too big, took up too much room.
  • Added the new contents title with the new font in, looks really good.
  • Arranged everything more neatly, just wanted it to be all in line the best I could, more professional looking.
  • Added Editorial box which I will do soon.
The developments which I have yet to make:-
  • Do the Editorial (Important)
  • Make sure nothing is blurry and all sharp and clear for the audience to see.
Not many developments but I know that when I am finishing off the contents page, problems will occur.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Front Cover: Strapline - VOTE!!!

Studying a few magazine covers (not all teenage magazines) I saw that the straplines didn’t have to be like the Glamour magazine “Britain’s No1 Women’s Magazine”, it could be a feature in that issue, such as ‘Win a $10,000…’, it could be a competition or the theme of the issue such as, ‘The Hair Issue’. This allowed me to go further than I once was with the strapline. Below are the only two I could come up with, inspired by the magazines (see below).

I need you to vote in the side bar for which one I should use, I am not sure.

  1. First Issue: Giving Something Back to Teenagers
  2. Win Big!! Canon PowerShot A480 10MP Camera

Inspired by...



Wednesday 1 December 2010

Front Cover: Colour Scheme

One thing which I’m unsure on is the colour scheme for the front cover, if I make it too bright and intense then other aspects of the front cover will distract the audience away from the photo. I need to have the Masthead to be very striking but the other aspects of the front cover don’t have to be the same. Looking at the past student magazine I have looked at, I can see that they use bright, bold colours to catch the audience’s attention, maybe I should do the same. Contrasting colours have been used, such as with the Media Magazine Masthead where they use white against the green to help each other stand out. Perhaps I should use a colour that contrasts with the Price colour which is a light blue, maybe a dark red or something on this line.

Front Cover: Price Label

The price label will be featured (taking inspiration from Glamour magazine) at the top of the page overlapping the Masthead, it will be bright with the price shown in black font. I think £1 is a fair price for this magazine, it is for students and I don’t think they would find paying £1.50 - £2 for a magazine very good.

WINNER: Front Cover Font

Surprising font number 5 one by one vote so comparing the two which were in the lead I felt it was better actually for this font to be the winner and displayed on the front cover, it looks more graffiti and young, energetic.


Do you think I need an Editorial (Letter or statement by the Editor which is ME). I got the idea from someone in my class, not sure if I should do it, what do you think, vote in the poll in the side bar, thanks.

Anaylising Front Cover

I decided to spend some time just annotating the front cover, seeing what it needed, (see previous post on what I think it needs) this is just a quick visual of what the front cover needs.

Important little details for Front Cover

What I need to include on the Front Cover, important little details which can make it a little bit better.
  • The price (audience needs to know how much they are paying for the magazine, I want the price to be very noticeable so it needs to be bigger than normal size, taking inspiration from Glamour magazine where they stick the prince at the top over the Masthead)
  • The Coverlines at the moment are a little distracting from the front cover photo, so I have decided to move them down and maybe group them together at the bottom of the page (Taking inspiration from Media Magazine).
  • Do I need a banner? (I’m not sure what the banner would be, it would need to be big and eye catching, and the colour scheme would need to be similar to the rest of the front cover).
  • Strapline, do I need one? (At this moment this is the first magazine so I can’t have anything like Glamour has, “Britain’s No1 Women’s Magazine’. Maybe I could try out a few and have a poll on it)
  • The website and issue number and date needs to be displayed somewhere on the front cover (I’m thinking underneath the Masthead, very noticeable here and easy to find as most details like this are found under the masthead)