Friday 28 January 2011

Updated: Front Cover, DPS and Contents Layout Designs

I've previously uploaded some layout designs for the contents page and double page spread but not the front cover. By using a similar style to Q I want my magazine to be clean and look sophisticated and professional so the front cover had to be simple, the main focus would be the photo. For the contents page then the main focus would be the contents and for the double page spread the photo and the interview.

Below are the designs I have come up with, I will soon narrow the layouts down to my chosen three.

Front Cover

One of the front cover layouts include coverlines the other doesn't, the one without I decided that the main focus was the photo and the coverlines would perhaps be distracting but I think I need to have the photo presented first before I come to a decision.

Contents Page

This is an updated contents page, the previous designs had included many images on the page but when studying Q magazine (inspiration) it only included one or two important images on the contents page, however I have come to my full decision just yet.

Double Page Spread

This was the first layout design for the Double Page spread which I previously posted, the image had a single page to itself, gainign full attention from the readers and the interview was contained to one page.

With this design it had two photos which would feature the person who was being interviewed and the interview would be broken up.

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