Friday 14 January 2011

Readership Figures 2008 - 2010

Below are graphs which I constructed to show the change of 3 major music magazines from 2008 - 2010

A Quick Version of the Graphs put together

From this I can see that KERRANG when compared to a magazine such as Mojo or Q has very low ratings in terms of readership. Whereas Q and Mojo are neck and neck with each other and are usually off by a few thousand. Going on the findings I have researched I would say that Q would seem to be the magazine style I would like to go with rather than KARRANG, with KARRANG is is aimed at teenagers and so is Q but Q is aimed at more mature teenagers to adults.

The style of Q is very sophiticated and confident, they use a simple and basic colour palette of few colours to show they don't need to use so many colours to attract their audience but the contents, usually featuring a famous artist or band on the front to entrigue their audience as well.

Now I won't be able to get hold of anyone like Rihanna so my photo on the front cover will have to be of a teenager either playing an instrument or simply sitting their, it is hard to get hold of someone like this so that is one of my biggest challenges, get the photos taken, edited and done.

Here are the sites I used to get my information for the graphs

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