Friday 28 January 2011

Interview: The Questions and Answers Draft

ELLIOT TURNER (Made it up randomly)
Age: 18
Family: Mum, Dad and Little Sister
Nationality: British
Religion: Christian
Q: How do you feel about the huge success you’ve got so far?

Elliot: Well, I know it sounds cliché but it’s like a dream, and I’m just worried that I’ll wake up any second and still be in my room with my guitar rocking out and getting nowhere. This year has been major for me, with the album coming out and the tour coming up it’s just blown my mind, with all that’s gone on I’m thinking of going for a nice relaxing holiday after the tour is over.

Q: With the new album, ‘Crusade’ how did you come up with the name?

Elliot: Wow, that’s ones hard. With the album it was about stating who I was personally and what I wanted to bring to the world of music. With the name it shows my religious side, coming from a religious Christian background you wouldn’t expect a pastor’s son to be rocking out on a guitar and singing. But no, my family were feeling supportive, my dad even bought me my first guitar when I was 11 and helped pay for my lessons, I owe him a lot. Going back to the name, again like I said to do mostly with my religious background but also to do with the journey I wish to take, making my kind of music.

Q: When you were younger, were you a popular kid at school?

Elliot: Most people you know believe I was because me playing the guitar but no, when I was younger I was extremely shy and always nervous around girls. I would never think of getting up on stage and performing but after I started playing the guitar and at the age of 13 when I was getting pretty good at it my confidence grew. All I can say to kids out there who are nervous and don’t think they can accomplice their dream because of how shy they are, just go for it, that’s what I did and here I am now, living my dream.

Q: So now that your 18 are you glad you have more independence and freedom?

Elliot: Yes and No, before when I started out on the album I was 17 which meant I was not an adult yet, so for the interviews and travels either my mum, dad or even both of them would have to come with me. One because I asked them too, being new to all of this I didn’t want to get lost in the craziness of the music life and also they wanted to make sure I didn’t get up to anything which was dangerous. But yeah now that I’m 18 I can go travelling on my own and to interviews and be more independent but I still sometimes take my dad or mum along for moral support.

Q: With the tour, where are you most excited to go?

Elliot: I can’t really decided, being new to all of this I can’t wait to get out there and see the world, living in the UK and not really travelling much I can’t wait, the list of locations if long and amazing, the first stop is France and then onto Germany.

Q:  Now some Questions from our readers, Do you have any tattoos?

Elliot: No, um yeah being the son of a pastor and having a religious family, they allowed me to have a guitar which was on the borderline for them so tattoos would be too much for them.

Q: When you were younger, did you ever do anything which got you into trouble?

Elliot: Yes, and I’m very ashamed of it, I was caught smoking by my dad when I was 14 years old. It was very immature and stupid of me, he was angry and I was ashamed of myself, it was my first and last cigarette.

Q: Do you have a girlfriend?

Elliot: Um no not right now, I did used to go out with someone and we had a pretend wedding, we were both 6.

Quote below which will feature on the interview (taken from interview)


What do you think? Comment please, thanks

1 comment:

  1. I like it, you could maybe ask a few more juicy questions!
