Wednesday 26 January 2011

Treatment Sheet

The Treatment

The Magazine: Unplugged

Target Readership: Unplugged is aimed at mature older teenagers from the age of 16 to adults aged 30. The parents of the readers or the readers themselves will come in the C1/C2 socioeconomic grouping; however the readers of Unplugged will hardly rely on their parents for finance. With most of the readers they will be working either part time or full time. With Unplugged readers they will have a job and so with Q it is a magazine which they can pick up and take to work, read on breaks or on the way home. The busy days they have going to and from work, they may find it hard to catch up on the current music news and updates so with Q they can find it easier to keep in touch with their music side and check up on their favourite artists or bands.

Form and Style: Unplugged is a plain white A4 magazine which will focus on the chosen genre of music (Rock and Indie), it will include interviews with famous and well known artists but also upcoming artists from the younger generation such as teenagers. Also reviews on current albums, news on artists and bands and updates on latest concerts. With Unplugged, the use of less colours shows to the targeted audience that Unplugged is a confident, clean and sophisticated magazine which doesn’t need streams of colours to attract their audience. On the front cover, Unplugged with feature an already famous male or female artist or band or however they may feature an upcoming artist or band which Unplugged feels they have what it takes. The front cover will not be over crowded with unwanted information such as KERRANG; with Unplugged it has the focus image of the band or artist, the masthead, no coverlines or perhaps strapline. It needs to show that the main aspect of the front cover is the photo. The magazine will be priced at £3.50, highly priced due to the required professional paper for the magazine but also for the size of the magazine, it will feature 160 – 170 pages so the readers will be getting their money’s worth.

Themes and Typical Features: With the readers being busy working all day, Unplugged offers a way for them to relax and catch up with any music news they have missed, it will feature artist and band updates and interviews, news on current music events, concerts or festivals which are coming up, recommended music for different moods, top 50 or top 100 list, pictures and quotes from their favourite artists or bands. The magazine is about giving the readers a chance to keep up to date with the music world and not to be left behind, they may not have time to surf the internet or go flicking through the TV channels when they get back from work but with Unplugged it is only £3.50 and they will have all the current music news they need. With featured artist and band interviews as well as upcoming artist and bands the readers can read up on their favourite artist/band.

Potential Advertisers: Within Unplugged magazine a range of shops and items will be advertised, less on the clothes and make up and more on the side of HMV (CD’S and offers which can only be claimed by using the code found inside Unplugged magazine). Also online sites such as Amazon and, which will advertise music, posters and merchandise. No ringtones but there will be concert information and also a competition for the reader to win a pair of concert tickets for one of the featured artists/bands.

Editorial Team: The editorial team for Unplugged will have both male and female so the magazine is not bias towards a certain gender, but also offers both sides for the readers. The team will be made up of music lovers and experienced writers but also creative designers. The age of the team members will be from ages 20 – 30, close to the reader’s ages. The team will be asked to provide their ideas and views on certain subjects.

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