Friday 19 November 2010

Looking at the Theme of Magazine

I didn't know which Theme to do, so I decided to put it to a vote (Side bar)

Below are the Three Themes I picked and I have put some bullet points to them, what I may include in the magazine if I choose that Theme.

Cooking for Teenagers
  • Include easily to do recipes for Teenagers (Cakes, easy dinners, Puddings, Starters, etc)
  • Photos of the dishes (online or from my own images)
  • I will need to make some of these dishes for Reviews and Photos.
  • Include a list of Chiefs who are featured on TV
  • Recommended Shows or Movies which feature cooking
  • Healthy Eating
  • Junk Food
  • What could happen to you if you just ate junk food?
Student Magazine
  • Photos of College and events (Bash, Children in Need, etc)
  • Information on upcoming events.
  • Reviews on Movies, Books, Concerts, Shows and the Dinners
  • Recent released films, music, games, etc.
  • Feature Students work (Graphics, Art)
  • Sport events (Football Games, Cricket, Team Photos, etc)
  • Competitions
  • Information (Help lines, Advice centres, Pregnancy, Illness, etc)
  • Discounts for Students in Shops (New Look, HMV, H&M, etc)
  • Meal Deals (Spar, Co Op)

Girl’s Magazine
  • Make Up (Best make up to use for a natural look, Smokey Eyes, etc)
  • Fashion (New Look, H&M, Forever 21, etc)
  • Boys (Hot Celebrities)
  • Tips on Relationships
  • Quiz (Does he like you? What kind of Girl are you?)
  • Information (Health care, Pregnancy, Sex)
  • Music (Katy Perry, other artists)
  • Shows on TV (Vampire Diaries, Glee, etc)

1 comment:

  1. Remember you have to do a student magazine for this part of the coursework, so why not use a bit of everything in there?
