Friday 26 November 2010

Contents Photos (EDITED)

I selected the ones I liked (Most of them) and got rid of the Avatar DVD (it was too blurry and even using Coral Paint Shop Pro X I couldn't get it clear enough so I scrapped it and decided to stick with the Kick-Ass DVD image. I only needed one of the two anyways so it is easier this way for me).











I still have more photos for the contents page to take, such as the photo of Ludlow College enterance Gate and one of SPAR (I am hoping to take these later today and upload them). From the ones I have uploaded and edited, there are multiples of some and so I will need to pick the best ones to put into the contents page (there is not enough room for them all).

For my cover I am hoping on using an actress (younger sister who is 15) to be listening to music and smiling, this will be done over the weekend and I'll be taking minimum around 10 shots just so that I have a lot to choose from. These will be uploaded next week on Tuesday or if not then Wednesday at the latest. From there I will be uploading the editted versions for you so look out for them.

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