Friday 11 February 2011

Updates on Front Cover and Contents Page

So I just changed a few things on the front cover and then designed the contents page, what do you think?

Front Cover Improved

So I added a few things to the front cover such as coverlines and other little details like a website address.

Front Cover - Masthead

For the masthead I wanted something similar to Q magazine's masthead style with the white serif font against the intense coloured background. For my background of the masthead I wanted either blue or red but I wasn't sure which one would go better so I made both.

But I saw that the red seemed more intense and popped more from the white background. So my chossen masthead is....

Thursday 10 February 2011

Front Cover Draft 1

So far I have come up with the basic look for the front cover, not much detail at this moment as this is only a draft, will be updating it soon.

What do you think?

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Double Page Spread (Interview done)

Below is what the interview part of the Double Page Spread will look like, the picture has yet to be added but will feature a male posing with his arms crossed and smiling at the camera.

What do you think?

Front Cover Photos

Obviously these need to be edited and they are taken so that I can completely darken the image of the girl (yes same girl used in my last magazine project) and then present her against a white background, it is risky but since she isn't holding a real guitar I felt it was better (This way it will look like she is holding a real guitar).

What do you think?